Celena Daniels Celena Daniels

Hearing God

In my observation and experience, sadly people can struggle with the idea of hearing God personally and for themselves. As a result, many believe they need to be in church or talk to others they think are more mature in the faith to hear what God is saying to them. However, we should all be able to hear from God for ourselves; but what exactly can this experience be like, based on scripture? - H.C. Daniels

In my observation and experience, sadly people can struggle with the idea of hearing God personally and for themselves. As a result, many believe they need to be in church or talk to others they think are more mature in the faith to hear what God is saying to them. However, we should all be able to hear from God for ourselves; but what exactly can this experience be like, based on scripture? - H.C. Daniels

Remnant Revelation #4 (Devotional) - Written by: H.C. Daniels

Overview: How do we hear God? There are many different ways God can speak to us. As His “sheep” we should be diligent in getting to know His voice and seeking Him for personal instruction for our lives in order to prevent going our own way in lifeʼs major decisions. Sometimes God might allow us to be in a hidden season, removing other voices from our lives, in order to learn His voice and how He speaks to us. 

Key verses: Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 85:8, John 10:16, John 10:27, John 14:26

Revelation #1 - God speaks to us primarily through His living Word and His Spirit for personalized instruction. 

When many people say to seek God or have you heard from the Lord, I used to think this was found in ways that had to do with asking other people and God would speak through them. However, what I have discovered over my life is that people are not the best source when it comes to hearing God for direct instruction regarding your life. Many Pastors, in my experience, state things like ask a trusted friend or we are conditioned to go to those we perceive to be more spiritually mature. However, years of taking the community's advice as a primary source of Godʼs instruction in my life has led to many wrong turns that could have been avoided. Even from those I respected like ministers in the Church. Was all their advice bad, no. Do I believe God would speak through them at times, absolutely. However when it came to very important decisions in my life, I was expecting them to guide me in what God wanted to reveal to me Himself. God has been so gracious in re-directing over the years. But the shock that came along with realizing I was not on the path of His preferred will, often left me baffled and confused with outcomes that resulted in unnecessary pain. Running to Jesusʼ feet and allowing me to hear His instruction directly through the Word, cleansed me, healed me, corrected me, and gave me a renewed mind. There is no substitute for developing an intimate relationship with God in which you know how He speaks to you directly. 

Revelation #2 - God wants to speak with us intimately and personally. This is how we build a relationship with the Lord and we get to know Him!

Sadly, most Christians, not all, can be in the Church most of their lives, and never be properly taught or even encouraged to seek God and an answer from Him concerning their lives directly. As a result, we think Godʼs answer is revealed in going to people to seek their advice. What we are taught is “there is safety in a multitude of counsel”.  I am sure you have heard that over and over again. However, we are to take the sum of the Word (Psalm 119:160) and in the Bible as a whole, we are not as familiar with the many other verses that speak of the importance and unmatched superiority of the Lordʼs counsel and the cost associated with not seeking it (Joshua 9:14, Psalm 16:7, Psalm 33:11, Isaiah 11:2, Isaiah 28:29, and the list goes on). We can be taught in the Church to rely on our own reasoning:

 What we tend to hear are sermons like: Five ways to know if this person is from the Lord:

  1. This person is in the Church

  2. This person reads their Word

  3. This person has accountability

  4. This person will demonstrate certain fruit

  5. This person will be approved by your community

While all good signs and not to be overlooked, it still does not factor in the heart of a person which only God knows and we need His counsel to adjust our thinking. Counterfeits can look very real and craftily appear to have all the traits listed above, for example. As Christ-followers we should always sit and inquire of the Lord, in addition to regularly sitting in His presence quietly as a means of fellowship with Him. When sitting with Him, I have also found He will often tell you without asking and provide divine intel regarding someone or something (discernment) just by being regularly in His presence and seeking His heart. 

With this in mind, I would offer the revised sermon above should ideally encourage believers in a way that points them to asking Christ directly for answers, developing an intimate relationship with Him. 

Revised sermon for example:

The one most important way to know if a person is sent by the Lord… Go ask the Lord (lol - we donʼt have to make it complex people)! And wait for His answer. Typical answers usually with instruction given: 

  1. Answer 1: Yes

  2. Answer 2: No

  3. Answer 3: Yes, but wait on Me and proceed as I unfold my plan over time

Please understand, people are fallible, including myself and including you. The only way to safeguard oneʼs decisions, considering this fact, is to be able to seek and hear God for yourself. With obedience comes provision and protection. But how can you obey when you have not sought instruction from the Source.

This very prominent theme in the Word that speaks to “inquiring of the Lord” is so important and can help avoid counterfeit situations and people or outcomes that require re-directing.  God demonstrates in His Word the standing invitation He gives us to build intimacy with Him. Asking questions! In Genesis 3:9-13, when Adam and Eve sinned and God came to walk with them in the cool of day, He asked them questions. When Elijah was fleeing the wrath of Jezebel, and was fed by angels along the way, once he arrived in a cave, God asked Him “Why are you here Elijah?”. As if God doesnʼt know the answers already. He is showing you how to grow in the knowledge of who He is, imitating this style of closeness by learning His heart.

Revelation #3 - Godʼs presence and His direction is a very close and personal reality and should be regarded as such. Humbling yourself before God is realizing you are in need of His counsel and should actively seek it out.

God does speak but we donʼt have to make it this distant encounter only a few get to experience. Jesus says His sheep know His voice so if you belong to Him, you should be able to seek Him diligently and find Him. I think where most people get stuck and I myself have gotten stuck, in my humble opinion, is not knowing the ways God speaks. Then they begin to lean on a feeling, thinking that is God, or their own ability to reason ignorantly, making idols out of feelings or their intellect. We can not lean on our feelings, our intellect, or even other peopleʼs opinions when it comes to hearing God for ourselves. I have found that the proper place for third parties (such as Christian community operating in one Spirit) is as a confirmation to the things God has already spoken to me in my personal devotion time with Him (also called “The Secret Place”). With that being said, always develop your own intimate relationship with Jesus for yourself. Did you notice, in the Word, Jesus draws the analogy in the Bible of an intimate relationship with Him as sitting with Him and partaking of Him as in the Last Supper or the Breakfast by the Sea when He approached the disciples post-resurrection? There is always this relationship (covenant) building theme centered around eating and drinking in remembrance of Christ (Revelation 3:20). Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Jesus is the fruit of the tree of life (He hung on a tree and as we partake of Him and die to our flesh, which can be painful but worth it, we continually gain life). So as we seek Him for knowledge, understanding and instruction, the Holy Spirit along with the living Word feeds us Godʼs personalized message for our lives. Then as we submit to that instruction, we become Christ-followers. It is so refreshing to understand this life-changing principle as His Bride.  

Bonus Revelation #1 - God speaks to us through other means as confirmation. They were used as primary means when Godʼs revealed counsel (the Word) was still being developed in written form and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Some of the other ways God can speak to us personally is through the following:

  1. Still, small voice

  2. Dreams and Visions

  3. 3rd party messages or other people (prophetically)

  4. Word of Knowledge, Wisdom, or Discernment 

  5. Praying in the Spirit with Interpretation

Bonus Revelation #2 - Beware some of the avenues that the enemy may use to try and get you not to hold fast to Godʼs Word. 

  1. Doubt - the enemy will try to break-down your faith and try to get you to doubt that God will do what He said He will do. In response, hold up your shield of faith! Let the Word (the only offensive armor) fight for you as Jesus did in the wilderness being tempted by the enemy. 

  2. Confusion - the enemy will try to twist the Word God gave you. Always go back to the original Word God gave you. I once heard a pastor say to notice the order when looking at the parables of the seed (Word) being dropped. The farmer (Father God) always gives the Word first then the tare is sown by the enemy. Also in another parable, the seed is sown then the Word is compromised by different types of conditions and soil. We have to diligently hold fast to the commandment God has given us to live on and bear fruit in patience. 

  3. Fear - the enemy will try to get you to think your circumstance is bigger than God. David in the face of Goliath was confident in God to be his salvation. Need I say more. Psalms is an excellent book to read when facing different seasons in life. It captures almost every human emotion and most of them were written by David while in a cave and in a hidden season for 15 years (between being anointed to be King and actually becoming King). 

  4. Other people (talking you out of doing Godʼs will). Often, in a genuine effort to seek wise counsel, we can forfeit what God wants to do in our lives by not sifting through what others tell us because we are not confident enough in hearing God for ourselves. Keep in mind, the revelation came to you, not to others. So at times people will not understand what God is telling you to do and sometimes God will instruct you to keep quiet for this reason. We see even in the Bible, when Jesus healed people, sometimes He told them to go from this place and not to tell anyone. Jesus was very attune to the times and seasons during His ministry on earth. We, as humans, can often find it counterintuitive because we want to give God the praise publicly and assume that is the right thing to do, however, we need to honor the fact that the season might not be here for us to share what God is telling us and we might need to protect it by keeping quiet. 

  5. Cares of the World - you abandon Godʼs plan for your life because of daily realities that seem impossible to overcome. This is one of the most deceptive ways the Word of God can be taken from you and breed unbelief. Sometimes what God is telling you doesn’t seem to fit with your present situation however, God specializes in the impossible. He will give you the strategy to overcome if you move (or be still) in faith, believing He will bring to pass what He has spoken regarding your life.

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Celena Daniels Celena Daniels

Are There Any John Marks Out There?

It all begins with an idea.

Remnant Revelation #3 (Devotional) - Written by: H.C. Daniels

Overview: Denying Christ and being restored - Commentaries and sermons typically focus on Peter denying Christ only from the view of Him failing Jesus. But what if Jesus and Father God, allowed Peter to be tempted (Satan asked to sift him) and fail, as a way to protect him, grow him, humble him, and strengthen him to strengthen others?

Key verses: Luke 21:31-34, 54-62

Revelation #1 - In the text, one thing to remember is that Satan asked to sift Peter

Many times we look at people and assume things about their circumstances and life-happenings equating them to they must have done something wrong to have a certain outcome in their lives. This could very well be true but just like Job, the enemy asked to introduce a level of trial or tribulation into Peterʼs life. People, especially in the Church, have to remember we are to judge fruit (flesh vs. Spirit - Galatians 5:16-23) not circumstances (Matthew 7:15-20). A situation might look a certain way but people tend to fill in the gaps and make assumptions rather than asking God or praying for the person. There is always a story behind the story. 

Peter matured in his faith, picking up His cross and following Christ as opposed to going His own way, once he was restored by Jesus (John 21:18). This maturing put him in a position to strengthen others. Jesus stated to Peter that when he returns, not if he returns, to go and strengthen his brothers (Luke 22:31-34). Even though many focus on Peterʼs failings and shortcomings, we rarely consider Jesusʼ words to him. They are not condemning or full of disappointment, but encouraging with an assurance that Peter was going to be ok and return to him. Jesus also said he prayed for Peter to make it through. So even though Jesus knew and warned Peter he was going to have troubles for a little while (denying Christ and then dealing with the guilt of it), Jesus prayed for him and for his faith not to fail, and encouraged him in knowing, by Godʼs grace, Peter would come through it. 

Revelation #2 - The fact that Peter denied Christ doesn’t speak to his lack of love for Christ; it speaks to the reality of human frailty. 

We all have weak moments and should be encouraged to know we serve a King who knows we will fail Him from time to time due to our human and fallen state. But Jesus restores Peter with love and forgiveness like an older brother and dear friend. This is because He knows Peterʼs heart. Jesus knew Peter loved Him and why he was in the position to deny Christ in the first place. If we pay attention to the text, all the other disciples except for one other one and Peter departed. Peter followed Jesus from a distance once He was arrested and betrayed, like a ride-or-die. That speaks a lot to where his heart was in terms of loving our Lord. He wanted to show up in a way many others didnʼt even try. 

In life, sometimes we may overestimate our own abilities and we have to remember to lean on God and humble ourselves, acknowledging our short-comings. He promises to provide strength when we are weak (2 Corinthians 12:9). Jesus just wants to be with us through whatever we are facing and His guidance and Spirit will help us and strengthen us because He loves us. And when we experience His presence fully established in our lives, we will love having Him with us too. He loves to dwell amongst His people and wants us to lean and depend on Him to carry us through. Our weaknesses should draw us closer to Him where we allow Him to be the source of all our needs. He is the living water (John 7:37-38) and when we have His Spirit in our lives and remember Him even when we fall short, He fills our cup and we lack nothing. 

Revelation #3 - Lastly, Peter, in turn, helped bring restoration to John Mark (the author of the book Mark). 

Peter understood what it was like to fall short and fail when faced with standing for our Lord. John Mark volunteered to go with Paul and Barnabas out to minister and once they were to set sail for Asia Minor, John Mark decided he wanted to go back home (Acts 13:13). The next time Paul and Barnabas were sent out by the Spirit, they were torn on taking John Mark because he did not go with them the last time. Talk about embarrassing and adding salt to the wound. Paul did not want him to go and Paul and Barnabas got into an argument about it with Barnabas and Paul going separate ways (Acts 15:36-40). However, what many donʼt bring to light is that Peter eventually was one of the people who took John Mark under his wing and told him his accounts of Jesus. Capturing Peterʼs narrative, John Mark wrote the book of Mark. 

When people want to remind us of our shortcomings, be encouraged and remember what Peter went through and how his restoration not only allowed Him to get stronger but also led to him being a mentor, providing guidance to John Mark. Both Peter and John Mark had fallen short and were subject to human frailty and most commentaries focus from this angle. However, when we consider more deeply how Jesus responds to us when we have moments in which we are not our strongest in taking a stand for His glory or answering a call, we can be hopeful in His praying and pleading on our behalf. This is part of the beautiful reality of who Jesus is. I am so glad to know Him and in our experiences of falling short, God can turn them for our good in order to strengthen others in Him. 

Are there any John Marks out there that could be encouraged by our stories? I pray God opens our eyes to those who have fallen short as we have at times, and are in need of a Peter in their lives to remind them that Jesus still loves them, is rooting for them, and running to Him provides the best outcome always. They can still be mightily used for the upbuilding of Godʼs kingdom here on Earth, similar to John Mark. Even though he experienced a moment of weakness, once restored, the Holy Spirit inspired him to write a whole book in the Bible. Be encouraged in His love for us and His redeeming and restoring power!

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Celena Daniels Celena Daniels

Defiling the Sabbath?

What is defiling Godʼs sabbath as He intended for man (and woman) from the beginning?

Remnant Revelation #2 (Devotional) - Written by: H.C. Daniels

Read - Isaiah 58

Key Verses - Isaiah 58:13-14 “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Overview: Biblical Sabbath we know God created for man which means rest from the Hebrew word Shabbat meaning to cease [work]. What is real rest in God and how do we defile it? 

How do we defile the Sabbath according to scripture?

Revelation #1. Taking control - when God in the garden gave the curse between man and woman as a result of sin this ultimately shifted being partners in dominion over the earth to now man and woman trying to have dominion over each other. Coming to a place of peace and rest in God produces self-control as a fruit of the Spirit. We rest in the Lord by submitting to His will and getting instruction from the rest. You are His as a part of His bride and are in a blood covenant with Him. Keep your vows to Him and submit to His Lordship in response to His beautiful love for You.  Always remember His love sacrifice for you along with His continued display of love in moments of encountering Him in gentleness and meekness. Get out the driver seat and enjoy the scenery when Jesus takes the wheel.

Zechariah 9:9 - “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.” A King riding on a donkey signified the King coming in gentleness and meekness. Jesus is the Lion and the Lamb. He will comfort and heal you and is also depicted in the Bible as one who is angry and brings judgement on those who hurt His sheep.

Revelation #2. Going your own way and doing as you please/speaking idle words - Jesus must be Lord over your life to experience true Biblical Sabbath or rest. As the text states, the opposite of this is doing things your own way (lust of the flesh), finding your own pleasure (lust of the eyes), or speaking idle words (pride of life or also can be described, in one way, as being boastful about yourself)! As 1 John 2:16 tells us, these types of behaviors are not of the Father but of the world and is partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in your own life. Delighting in the Sabbath is resting in God’s instruction and following/obeying Him.

Matthew 11:28-30 - “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Jesus Gives True Rest and brings us back to the garden through partaking of Jesus as the fruit of the tree of life as opposed to partaking the tree of knowledge of good and evil which results in sin and death. These choices are before us everyday.

Revelation #3. Forgetting your first love and returning to the scraps of “Egypt”(adultery) or idolatry. It will never satisfy and that is the truth. “Egypt” is a lie and a place full of ungodly covenants, relationships, and thought-patterns made deceptively (figuratively). It is a bait and switch and the illusion will fool you every time. The truth is the Lord is satisfying and fulfilling all by Himself. O taste and see how good my God is. He is a full feast. You can’t help but pour out beautiful fragrance on Him or wipe His feet with your tears when you encounter His full feast. Do not be tricked by the lies of “Egypt”. They will never satisfy.

Revelation 2:4-5 - “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.” Honor your covenant with Yeshua by delighting yourself in Him and seeking His instruction through daily fellowship!

What are ways to enter Godʼs sabbath or rest in terms of our relationship and covenant with Him?

Revelation #4. Enter into His rest with thanksgiving, a genuine heart and humility. Entering into the rest of God is something you don’t want to miss. It can be a time of healing, cleansing, and actual physical rest. It’s a place of putting everything on the altar and sitting at His feet, being poured into and pouring out all you have because He is just that beautiful and the source of all your needs (Mat 26: 6-13). It is a place of rest because you are abiding, dwelling and just being not doing. It is the posture for experiencing true worship and intimacy with Him. 

Revelation #5. Enter His rest by seeking instruction and waiting on Him. We donʼt tend to hear much about waiting on the Lord. Usually people say to jump out on faith but make sure that is the instruction that Jesus gives you. Waiting on the Lord is an invitation to let God step in and do only what He can do. Itʼs like waiting for a Christmas present to be available for unwrapping in His timing. Waiting are times to dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness, savoring how good our Father is and how He only wants the best for us! It is remembering Him and all Heʼs done for you and continues to do. Rest in the fullness of joy that comes from His presence in your life, and while you are resting, work on the known assignments He has given you. Seek and inquire of Him with a heart to do the will of the Father. Following Jesus’ instructions for your life is the key to rest.

Revelation #6. Enter His rest by offering yourself however you can in full reverence to Him as make Him your chosen portion. By sacrificing everything and everyone else to be with Him, you will be blown away by how He shows up for you when you prioritize His presence in your life and moments of fellowship with Him. In exchange He fills your cup and gives you what you need overflowing. The true worshippers of Jesus worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. During rest you can truly experience the fact He comes to restore, to heal, and to love. He is a full feast and the only one who can satisfy. Bring everything to Him and you will never want again. 

written by: H.C. Daniels

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Celena Daniels Celena Daniels

Our Heavenly Father Will Never Fail Us

#GCG Devotional Blog 01


Remnant Revelation #1 (Devotional) - Written by: H.C. Daniels

Read: Genesis 31:2-7

Key Verse: Genesis 31:3 (ESV) Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.”

Overview: Separating from family members who operate in dysfunction, are unable to see it, and have an entitlement mindset concerning us can be difficult, especially when we have operated in it too. But our heavenly Father will never fail us as His adopted sons and daughters. He re-parents us forward with instruction, providing healing and protection as well.

Revelation 1: Jacob came from a bloodline of deceivers (Genesis 12 & 26), participated in his fair share of deceiving (Genesis 27) and married into it as well (Genesis 29). And his father-in-law, Laban, operated in deception on steroids. Jacob, for the first time, was on the receiving end of being deceived. Even though God protected him, after twenty years, Jacob had enough of the ongoing dysfunctional behavior between Laban and himself. If allowed to go on, Jacob might have continued to be protected by God in the midst of the deception but would have missed out on so much more God had in store for him and his family leaving it behind. 

Revelation 2: Running from family dysfunction, whatever it may be, can be shocking, daunting, and not the easiest of tasks when God removes the scales from our eyes and reveals these types of areas in our lives in need of deep healing and correction. It’s because in most cases, the dysfunction didn’t start with us, we were born into it, and the resulting mindsets, patterns, and behaviors might have been the only “normal” we’ve known. However, God who is the source of our healing wants to partner with us to be cycle-breakers and lead us into a healthier and holier normal in Him. This is why it’s so important to seek and follow God’s instruction concerning our lives. 

Revelation 3: God provided Jacob with instruction. Jacob responded to God’s instruction with faith that God would protect him from Laban as he took the necessary steps to leave behind not just Laban, but years and generations of dysfunctional behavior. God promised He would be with Jacob and He never failed him. God came to Laban in a dream and intervened to provide divine protection as Jacob fled Laban. Similarly, in our own lives, we might be called to an Exodus of the familiar because it might be necessary for God’s breakthrough and for His alignment or realignment of our lives with His purposes. 

Personal Revelation for Reflection (Question for you): Have you ever, with God’s instruction, had to separate or put a boundary up with a family member in order to keep the peace or address dysfunctional behavior patterns? How did it work out for you?

My Revelation: Absolutely. I am a living witness, even at 40 (pretty symbolic), God can open your eyes to dysfunction that has gone under the radar for years. My family had huge patterns of codependent and controlling behaviors. Being born into it, and the controlling tactics being more subtle, it was hard to detect but damaging and hindering. Boundaries definitely had to be put up with God’s instruction. They were hard at first but very freeing and I am moving into so much purpose and God is restoring me in so many ways. 

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