Our Heavenly Father Will Not Fail Us

Additional Revelations for Remnant Revelation™ Devotional 1 - 6/5/24

Revelation 4: When God gives us instruction, we obey, and it goes against others’ ideas or thoughts regarding us, our actions could ruffle feathers or cause an all out family division. When this happens as seen further in the story, Jacob and Laban set a physical boundary (Genesis 31:51-52). Keeping peace should not mean we have to give up ours. Sometimes boundaries have to be put in place to keep the peace and to honor the change God has set forth in our lives. 

Revelation 5: Following God's instruction always leads to the best outcome. It is always important to seek, hear, and follow God concerning our lives. Being obedient to God’s instruction may be tough, lonely for a season, difficult, misunderstood, and even confusing but it can catapult us into a beautiful and intimate experience full of God’s blessing, joy, and direction for our lives. Leaving Laban signified leaving dysfunction. Once Jacob left Laban, there were marked changes in his character in comparison to who he was when he was sent there to avoid Esau’s anger due to him deceiving Esau. Jacob ran from dysfunction but towards God’s plan, purpose and promise.

More Revelations About Genesis 31:2-7:

Bonus Revelation 1: At times we will face those who can hinder what God has instructed us to do. In Matthew 10:34-39 Jesus talks about division in homes from picking up our cross to follow Him. Jesus Himself even had issues with his natural family not prioritizing the will of the Father during His earthly ministry (Matthew 12:46-50). Often we think our family will approve of decisions that align with the Father’s will for our lives; especially if we come from families that attend church. On the contrary, some people experience extreme opposition from families and are disowned for their faith. But rarely do we consider the in between. We can experience God’s instruction to separate from family members who because of their dysfunctional patterns, hidden sin, and lack of healing can seem accepting and healthy but have behaviors contributing to keeping us bound due to our proximity and consistent interactions with them. 

Bonus Revelation 2: Since we are in covenant with God (just like Jacob) when we give our lives to Christ, our willingness to remain in dysfunction, once uncovered, especially when it is to our benefit (some of us could be Laban), could be taking form as an unrepentant heart and idolatry in our relationship with the Lord. The deception of the enemy will never be obvious and we should seek God for revelation regarding uncovering these areas so He can renew our minds, and cleanse us of anything hindering our growth in Him. He is invested in our need for deep healing as His bride and wants to get rid of every spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:27) and that could involve “forgetting our father’s house” as mentioned in Psalm 45:10-11 so we can dwell in His (Psalm 45:15).