H.C. Daniels loves to serve in Godʼs Kingdom through writing (in many different forms) and teaching. Both are restored gifts through which God continually fills my cup overflowing to pour out in love, for the edification of the Church and upbuilding of His Kingdom. Feasting with King Jesus, in His Word, is my absolute favorite past time. It leaves me speechless, filled up, and warm and fuzzy inside.

I also enjoy time spent raising up two more daughters of the Highest King who are my reward, inheritance, and blessing, traveling abroad (think crystal blue water and white sandy beach), reading a good book I can’t put down, learning something new, Christmas - time (favorite holiday for so many reasons) and having a good - deep discussion with someone over Starbucks (or hold the Starbucks - that’s fine too).

Feel free to contact me for prayer requests and questions you may have about anything related to growing closer to God. I am not here to get in between you and God, but to come along side and point you more towards Him. #discipleship #Isaiah54:5 #betrothedtoChrist

With His love and by His grace,


My covenant name that I like to go by is Hadassah Cherie (H.C. Daniels). Some might call it a pen name but actually I received that name as a part of a church ceremony called a confirmation when I was 15 years old. I say receive because I was given that name after sitting with God and seeking Him about the name I should have once I completed my classes and “graduated”. Hadassah became pretty clear and if you only knew, was a good fit. I had no idea at the time, though, just how good a fit. Some things if God showed us upfront we would probably tell Him “I’m good, any other purpose choices You have available because that road ahead seems like a lot Lord and I am not sure I am going to make it.” How about I spend the roughest parts of my journey on an island beach somewhere in seclusion from time-to-time :)…first class ticket…all-inclusive beach view room with a swim up patio…hmmm……

Ok, I’m back…where was I…Oh yes lol…this is my snippet of an intro story (getting lost there for a second or five)…The confirmation graduation was to let others know you were solidified in the knowledge of your faith. Even though I attended a predominantly African-American church which was self-described as Baptist by denomination and Pentecostal by experience (or something like that), they called the classes confirmation classes (which I believe are of catholic origin even though I am not catholic…interesting at the very least and confusing at most now that I am reflecting). So I thought for the most part my devotion to God was pretty solid from my teen years on, in short. However, after some divine shakings in my life (yes that’s plural), with the latest being the most rough (surely why no peeking ahead was allowed), I realized God was getting me off the boat (Jonah popped in front of me a couple times in my studies - dag I gotta get the sleeping bag off the boat too God!) because I was getting too comfortable in my rebellion out of ignorance. Yes, to the one that is going “huh?”, we can be in rebellion out of ignorance. His people perish for lack of knowledge!…thank you Lord for your mercy and patience with us “sheep”! I can certainly testify, God is gracious, merciful and relentless concerning His love for us and getting us back on track and in alignment with His preferred will for our lives.

This webpage is just one of the assignments given as a result of me looking up after wiping the drool from my face and being “woke” for divine purpose; which is the only “woke” that matters when you really think about it. The short and skinny is that I hope and pray to be used as an instrument for God’s purposes in the writings and videos that will be posted here compiling the beautiful gems Jesus has revealed to me sitting at His feet in so much need of Him (the woman at the well was probably my long lost cousin somewhere on that tree). After all, we are supporting actors in His love story (the author and finisher of our faith!) reconciling us unto Himself. He is all encompassing and is the answer to whatever you are facing. The specifics of my background and story I am sure will unfold through the various channels here, as God leads me, for those who are in need of discipleship by way of exhortation and instruction and can learn from my sharing, with His guidance. In my own journey of faith, I have come to know that the most important covenant relationship you will ever have, as a Christ Follower, is the one you have with Jesus. Many turns in life, ups and downs, all while being Christian, has taught me that desiring God and seeking Him for instruction is the definition of truly abiding in Him (John 15). And not only do we seek Him for instruction, but when we receive it, we are to obey in response to His love for us. This, my friends, is what unlocks the keys to the kingdom and to living the will of the Father for your life! Enjoy!

#ObedienceisKey #KingdomLife #GodsCovenantGirl #Blessings #GCG4HisGlory